UK Podiatry Foot Care Clinic Altrincham
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Download Free FOOT PAIN GuideAre you looking for a Podiatry foot care clinic in South Manchester and Cheshire?
At the UK Podiatry Clinic, based in Altrincham and Manchester, our podiatrists can diagnose and treat the majority of lower limb foot and ankle problems, including corns, calluses, verrucas, and ingrowing toenails.If you have concerns about developing any of the problems above, please do not hesitate to contact our foot care clinic and book a podiatry assessment. Our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive foot care to alleviate your foot pain and improve your overall foot health.
If you have concerns that you are starting to develop any of the problems above, then please do not hesitate to contact us and book a Podiatry assessment.
Steve Lyons on Embarrassing Bodies
Watch the video of Steve Lyons appearing on Embarrassing Bodies TV series.
Book an appointmentUK Podiatry
25 Barrington Road
Cheshire, WA14 1HP
Telephone: 0161 929 7272

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