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Ingrowing toe nails
Ingrowing toe nails
Ingrowing toe nails can be the result of poor nail cutting, badly fitting shoes or simply having genetically poorly shaped nails.
Whatever the cause, here at UK Podiatry, our Podiatrists can help.
Many can be treated conservatively with nail cutting and footwear advice, although a small number will require nail surgery.
This is done frequently in clinic by our Podiatrists with excellent outcomes. Many of our patients have suffered for years before seeking help with their ingrowing toenails and are delighted with their experience. Often they will say that they wish they had sought treatment sooner.
If you are suffering with ingrowing toe nails then please contact us. Our Podiatrists can inform you of your treatment options and help you back to optimal comfort as soon as possible.
Chat to us about your problem on 0161 929 7272 or email
We are open Monday to Friday, offering evening appointments for flexibility to our clients. Please call 0161 929 7272 or email for more information.
UK Podiatry
25 Barrington Road
Cheshire, WA14 1HP
Telephone: 0161 929 7272

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